Reset to your Maximum for the Unemployed


Excerpt from BioMaxed, Chapter 31, and Savanting Appendix III by Lauren Holmes (2019)

RESET SCENARIOS for the UNEMPLOYED to reset to their maximum by achieving sustained or serial top-talent flow

This collection of scenarios for resetting to your maximum capitalizes on the increased flexibility of the unemployed.  The scenarios are grouped into two categories:

Scenarios 1-4:  This set of contexts for biologically normalizing include assembling a company, buying a company, starting a company, or borrowing a company or job

Scenarios 5-7:  This second category of scenarios is fashioned directly from the seven iconic founders of Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, and Amazon we have been examining in earlier articles.  It is about releasing to your natural drives for growth, creation, frontiering™, and learning until you are able to commercialize them into paid play, often with the creation of a new field or frontier.  This is the means to achieve your maximum lifetime legacy and really explore the outer limits of your capabilities.

Scenario 1:  Assemble a mature virtual company from existing components:  companies, firms, professionals, technology, information systems, contractors, consultants, workforces, skills, and such.

This is one of my favorite techniques for quickly resetting my outplacement clients to their maximum to accelerate their job search process.  A virtual organization is assembled to provide the perfect context to replicate one’s past maximum events.

It should therefore comply with your findings from your sourcing-your-savant exercise:  your unpaid work, creation-pursuit, frontier-pursuit, and core-expansion themes and especially your historical formula for top-talent flow.  Anything that does not help you to persist in serial top-talent flow states is outsourced.  Anything that is more work than play is outsourced.

Virtual company design

This scenario is not about starting and growing an entrepreneurial company from scratch.  This is about melding fully operational units together as a mature company.  Nor should this model be used to recreate a lost job.  The job was lost due to system corrections which may well have been instigated by the adaptivity needs of your own system.  There is little future in trying to go against the flow of the maximizing process.

The maximizing machinery found your de-hiring adaptive for some human system whether that system was yours, the company’s, the market’s, the industry’s, or some other system.  There had to be many thwarting signals consistent with no support by the maximizing machinery that you had to overlook to end up experiencing the surprise loss of your job.

Now that you know what to look for, you will not be blindsided again.  In the future, you will proactively reposition with the signposts of the maximizing machinery to be led out of the old context and into a new more adaptive one.

Coincidences, breakthroughs, flow events, and quantum leaps will catapult you nonlinearly and opportunistically to endgame jobs or the success of this newly created customized virtual organization.  When you have the right design for your system, the virtual company will almost form itself.

There will be magic.  There should be lots of leaps propelling your forward.  So even if you have only an emotional blueprint of the final company design or how it will feel, you can move at top speed to implement it.  Partnering with the maximizing machinery will ensure that your natural growth path will become the company’s growth path.

The virtual company is intrinsically rewarding in and of itself.  However, it will also be one of the fastest ways to penetrate the hidden job market to close your ideal job.  This will require a separate article to explain.  Suffice it to say that your marketing efforts for selling your virtual company’s services will coincide with selling yourself into your ideal job.

Scenario 2:  Buy a company with private equity

You may not need to create a virtual organization to reset to your maximum.  You may be lucky enough to find a company that will give you your ideal job for operating at your biological maximum and you can simply buy the company.  Look for flows to facilitate finding the right company and blocks to the wrong one.

Scenario 3:  Start an entrepreneurial company along your natural growth path

The design of the company should offer the perfect expression of the maximum you.  The growth path of the company should align with your knowledge-pursuit, creation-pursuit, frontiering-pursuit and core-expansion or growth drives.  The goal is to be paid to achieve your maximum lifetime growth and achievement.

Scenario 4:  Borrow a company and/or a job

An interim employment contract is a great way to normalize to your maximum.  Employment could be at a company, a not-for profit, an association, a charity, or similar.  If there are no interim executive jobs available, it may be advantageous to offer your services for free to speed your reset to your maximum.  Coincidences and breakthroughs may then quickly catapult you to a more permanent arrangement.

Scenario 5:  Free-form work driven by your unleashed top-talent drives:  Unpaid-work and knowledge-pursuit, creation-pursuit, frontiering-pursuit, core-expansion, and top-talent flow drives

This is a completely unstructured approach to freeing your day to the above drives in order to advance the world in some way.  This is intrinsically rewarding in and of itself.  However, over time you will begin to scale new frontiers in your top-talent territory.  A plethora of breakthroughs, coincidences, and leaps will pull you in unknown directions which in 20/20 hindsight will appear immensely logical and adaptive.  You will find that your version of Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook, or Apple will emerge.

This is a frontiering adventure into new territory or bringing the new into existence.  It is pure serial breakthrough synthesis.  Rather than having a defined structure for a project or entrepreneurial company, this is about being pulled by the drives and passions associated with applying one’s strongest talents until the field, the job, the invention, the discovery, or the company emerges.

Scenario 6:   Analyzing and developing your ‘science’

This is not about true science. This is about the development of a set of rules or procedures or discoveries that will allow those without your innate talent to operate as you do or to accomplish goals you were able to accomplish.  You are seeing my science in these articles.  They capture what I do instinctively so that others without my aptitude may apply it to achieve beyond their potential.  As you analyze how you use your strongest talents you will be increasing your abilities and breaking through new frontiers.  For some, this scenario will allow them to achieve top-talent flow states and reset to their maximum.  It will work for the employed or unemployed.

Scenario 7:  Pursue your lifetime legacy

There are those who know what they want their greatest lifetime legacy to be based on the maximum application of their strongest talents applied to the most worthy cause for the most receptive and valuing audience.  By committing to its achievement using the breakthrough synthesis of the maximizing machinery, you will quickly find that you have reset to your maximum.

Author: Lauren Holmes

As CEO of, Lauren Holmes invents customized companies, projects, jobs, and career and company strategies which will enable clients to biologically maximize to achieve goals and impact at their maximum or beyond. Lauren is a biological anthropologist who helps people and companies to superachieve by extending their capabilities with surrounding biological infrastructure with which humans have evolved to partner.  Contact her through

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